Tuesday 9 October 2012

From Warzone to Gigabyte

The Warzone has now change over to The Gigabyte. The slogan has also change over to ''All your technology news... byte sized''. The reason for the change of names is because the warzone didn't feel right for a blog about technology news. I also hope to make an newsletter called ”The Terabyte Post” which will be given who subscribe to the blog. Anyway I hope to post more news later on soon. Sorry if this change has cased any problems. Also the domain has change over to http://bytesizedinfo.blogspot.co.uk.

For more news about the change click here. From Warzone to Gigabyte Info

Monday 8 October 2012

World of Warcraft Apocalypse begins with major cities hacked and players die!

Hackers have appeared to have created a character which is able to destroy those of other players and those controlled by the game. Blizzard Activision which made the game said "This exploit has already been hot-fixed, so it should not be repeatable." ''Where taking the action very seriously". He also said ''Earlier today, certain realms were affected by an in-game exploit, resulting in the deaths of player characters and non-player characters in some of the major cities,"

Around about 10 million subscribers play World of Warcraft and is said most of them are from China. No one knows how this has happend yet but Blizzard hope to find out very soon.

All there wanted to do is just buy some new amour. But the only thing there brought was death!
Once this town center was peaceful but now it is only a grave yard to players.
 This You Tuber records the hack game.

WannaCrypt0r Ransomware: Plunging The World Into Chaos

W e all know of the dangers of NSA's leaked exploits could do if it was to ever fall into the wrong hands. But no one could have predict...