Friday 14 September 2012

AntiSec leaks credit cards as revenge for arresting Anonymous spokesman

AntiSec have been publishing credit-card details of thirteen US government officials. This was because Barrett Brown was arrested for his rant against a named FBI agent. The arrest of Barrett Brown was posted online on YouTube by Brown's friends who were at the time talking to him by a live video chat website when the police burst into Brown's room.

Why? Well Barrett Brown is accused of making threats to a federal agent online. The thirteen minute video which is him taking about the process of weaning himself off on opiates  which is a drug with morphine like effects. Also Brown talks of his paranoia after being targeted by the Mexican crime syndicate Los Zetas. So is that it? No... He begins to talk about an FBI agent (Agent Robert Smith)
and his family which he wants to ''mess there life's up''.

Now AntiSec have revealed online the thirteen credit cards records along with names, addresses and a mix of US government and US Navy's email addresses. The leaked information states had an notice attached to them. It said: "This data could be potentially and underteminatedly [sic] false as FBI could potentially claim, they also would be a potentially different set than those we released from Stratfor and they could just potentially bring an underterminate [sic] amount of lulz. but what the hell, you are free to try them if u want. spend a lot!!!! send flowers to Barrett!!!"

Barrett Brown may face sentencing up to 18 months or less in prison for threatening an FBI agent.

Barrett Brown, aged 31 years old.
The video which the police arrested Barrett Brown for. 

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