Monday 10 December 2012

Facebook is down and back up again!

Facebook is down. Since the website went offline everyone has been reporting it onto Twitter. #Facebookfail is now the newest trend on Twitter thanks to Facebook. Right now it is also the most talk about. But why has Facebook gone down? It appears it had some DNS issues. Right now know Facebook has just got it self back up since it is now online. But I thought this would be a bit of a empty post but why not put some tweets of the #Facebookfail. Enjoy and stay here for more news of Facebook here on ''The Gigabyte'. 

The Tweets of #Facebookfail

''For those who live on Facebook, the end of the world has arrived early.''

''Mark Zuckerberg: "Okay, let me tell you the difference between Facebook and everyone else, we don't crash EVER!''

''The worse thing about Facebook being down is that I can't update my status to let all my friends know that Facebook is down''

''….and this is why Twitter is soooo much better!''

''You. Have. No. Friends''

Also Anonymous have been tweeting that Gmail and Xbox Live are not working for some. I think the internet is going to crash! :P

Monday 12 November 2012

Want Black Ops 2 for Free? Then torrent it!

''You want #BlackOps2? Pirate that shit! Don't buy a game that suggests #Anonymous is a terrorist organization''
 ''Torrent: Call of Duty #BlackOps2 for PS3''
 Tweets from Anonymous

  Yep someone has put Call of Duty Black ops 2 up on the webs for the world to torrent. Oh what a world we live in. Of course if you want to get to the game by the torrent feel free to check up on Anonymous tweets. There is also rumors of a up coming hack for the game but this of course is just a rumor. News of the Black Ops 2 torrent will be posted here on The Gigabyte!

Anonymous last tweet.

 #BlackOps2 Expect Us.

Tuesday 9 October 2012

From Warzone to Gigabyte

The Warzone has now change over to The Gigabyte. The slogan has also change over to ''All your technology news... byte sized''. The reason for the change of names is because the warzone didn't feel right for a blog about technology news. I also hope to make an newsletter called ”The Terabyte Post” which will be given who subscribe to the blog. Anyway I hope to post more news later on soon. Sorry if this change has cased any problems. Also the domain has change over to

For more news about the change click here. From Warzone to Gigabyte Info

Monday 8 October 2012

World of Warcraft Apocalypse begins with major cities hacked and players die!

Hackers have appeared to have created a character which is able to destroy those of other players and those controlled by the game. Blizzard Activision which made the game said "This exploit has already been hot-fixed, so it should not be repeatable." ''Where taking the action very seriously". He also said ''Earlier today, certain realms were affected by an in-game exploit, resulting in the deaths of player characters and non-player characters in some of the major cities,"

Around about 10 million subscribers play World of Warcraft and is said most of them are from China. No one knows how this has happend yet but Blizzard hope to find out very soon.

All there wanted to do is just buy some new amour. But the only thing there brought was death!
Once this town center was peaceful but now it is only a grave yard to players.
 This You Tuber records the hack game.

Friday 21 September 2012

Microsoft Panics over Zero-day Flaw and Patches it!

A patch has been released from Microsoft which is a 26.9MB patch which will fix the five vulnerabilities, and the zero day flaw that is cracking Windows systems the most common versions of Internet Explorer. The patch will fix all the problems that the system has been having which was used by hackers to go against some companies.

Microsoft Security Response Center which is the official corporate security response blog posted ''Today we released Security Update MS12-063 to address limited attacks against a small number of computers through a vulnerability in Internet Explorer versions 9 and earlier. The majority of customers have automatic updates enabled and will not need to take any action because protections will be downloaded and installed automatically. For those manually updating, we encourage you to apply this update as quickly as possible. In addition to addressing the issue described in Security Advisory 2757760, MS12-063 also resolves four privately disclosed vulnerabilities that are currently not being exploited''

It was rated as critical or moderate risk it all depends on which browser and operating system you are running, but would allow full remote code execution on systems running IE 7,8 and 9 running Adobe Flash on fully-patched Windows XP, Vista and 7 machines, using Malware embedded on the web page. 

This whole mess was discovered by a security researcher Eric Romang. But he says ''Zero-Day Season Is Really Not Over Yet'' he posted on ''Wordpress'' saying ''I can confirm, the zero-day season is really not over yet. Less than three weeks after the discovery of the Java SE7 0day, aka CVE-2012-4681, potentially used by the Nitro gang in targeted attacks, a potential Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 and 8 zero-day is actually exploited in the wild''. He also posted ''
  • I wasn’t a target of the 0day, I tested it on my lab. This misunderstanding has been introduced by Reuters in their press release.
  • I did these researches on my personal time, and these researches are not linked with my professional activities. This misunderstanding has been introduced by Reuters in their press release.
  • I don’t pin the responsibility on the Nitro gang, if you read my blog post, you will see that I found coincidences.
  • I don’t know the timeline of the vulnerability, including when it was discovered and how long it has been exploited'' 
Eric Romang also posted images and a video of the Zero day flaw. (For more about Eric Romang Wordpress Blog click here)

 Microsoft reputation looks to go downhill for now. But can it make a come back with the new patch?

This happened to Flash Player last mouth. (Zero-day Flaw)

Friday 14 September 2012

AntiSec leaks credit cards as revenge for arresting Anonymous spokesman

AntiSec have been publishing credit-card details of thirteen US government officials. This was because Barrett Brown was arrested for his rant against a named FBI agent. The arrest of Barrett Brown was posted online on YouTube by Brown's friends who were at the time talking to him by a live video chat website when the police burst into Brown's room.

Why? Well Barrett Brown is accused of making threats to a federal agent online. The thirteen minute video which is him taking about the process of weaning himself off on opiates  which is a drug with morphine like effects. Also Brown talks of his paranoia after being targeted by the Mexican crime syndicate Los Zetas. So is that it? No... He begins to talk about an FBI agent (Agent Robert Smith)
and his family which he wants to ''mess there life's up''.

Now AntiSec have revealed online the thirteen credit cards records along with names, addresses and a mix of US government and US Navy's email addresses. The leaked information states had an notice attached to them. It said: "This data could be potentially and underteminatedly [sic] false as FBI could potentially claim, they also would be a potentially different set than those we released from Stratfor and they could just potentially bring an underterminate [sic] amount of lulz. but what the hell, you are free to try them if u want. spend a lot!!!! send flowers to Barrett!!!"

Barrett Brown may face sentencing up to 18 months or less in prison for threatening an FBI agent.

Barrett Brown, aged 31 years old.
The video which the police arrested Barrett Brown for. 

Wednesday 5 September 2012

BoneyHead Facebook Group Launched

It's been four years since I joined YouTube and now I think it's the best time to set up my Facebook Fan page. It's already got fifteen ''Likes'' and I hope to get more soon this week. The reason it's been set up is so fans of my channel can keep up too date with my video's and livestream events. Any videos I like on YouTube will be posted on the Facebook Page as well.

BitTorrent users being logged

Have you used an BitTorrent before to download music or movies? If so there a chance in under three hours you will be logged onto a ''blacklist'' by a monitoring firm. But why is this happing? Well... copyright holders hope to use the date to crack down on illegal downloads. But as you can tell not everyone is please about the news.

A part from the fact that your being logged in everytime and that you have no privacy. The logging can not tell if your a hardcore illegal downloader or just a frist time illegal downloader. And you don't get any brownie points for downloading something that came out during the 70's. The fact that you download something for free is illegal. And now with the help of this ''blacklist'' you will be found out.

Most copyright owners in Europe and the USA are using IP addresses and other types of data to use in court. But most lawyers say the data will be useless as there still can't tell address pinpoints the internet connection used for downloading the illegal contect. Many fear that soon companys will be monitoring there internet without a court order. But for now it's not the case. Not now it is... unlike the BitTorrent users being logged.

Sunday 2 September 2012

Pirate Bay co-founder Gottfrid Svartholm Warg has been arrested

Gottfrid Svartholm Warg has been arrested and is being held after an warrant was issued against him a few mouths ago. Gottfrid Svartholm Warg failed to arrive at court for his one-year jail term for copyright violations.

Kirth Chantharith, Cambodia's police spokesman said ''The arrest was made at the request of the Swedish government for a crimes to information technology. We don't have an extradition treaty with Sweden but we'll look into our laws and see how we can handle this case''

The owners of the site have been ordered to pay nearly $7m (£4m) for copyright infringement. Pirate Bay was once shut down in sweden six years ago but came back online. This year it was also shut down by hackers which is still unknown who did it.

So what is the Pirate Bay? Pirate Bay is a file-sharing website founded back in 2003. It has over five million registered users and since May 2012 hosts over four million torrents.

The Pirate Bay slogan ''The galaxy's most resilient BitTorrent site''

Saturday 1 September 2012

New Logo for my YouTube Channel

This year has been a big change for my YouTube channel. So far I've been working with my friend to make a new background for my channel. The background is taking a long time to make but is in good progress. But the logo has been finished. I'm still using the biohazard sign but this time I have my BH95 on top. Soon it's going to be the Anniversary of my frist YouTube channel and also around the same time when my frist YouTube channel was removed because of copyright infringement. And the second account was made in the same mouth (October 15th 2009).

Friday 31 August 2012

Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes Announced

At Konami's Metal Gear 25th Anniversary event, Konami announced a real-time demo of a new game called Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes. Which is an open-world game and was runing on a PC. The game engine was Konami's own FOX Engine which was being worked on for some time. It's has impress all the attendance. There has also been an leak image as well which has Big Boss is the main protagonist and has his Militares Sans Frontieres patch on his arm, Big Boss is shown sporting a sneaking suit, an assault rifle, and a set of cool-looking night vision goggles.

The game may take place in the United States because there is an shot of it in the mid-left of this cool screenshot. Because of the Militares Sans Frontieres logo on Big Boss the game while take place after the events in Peace Walker in 1972. Also this could be the first time you could be going against Zero, the founding member of the Patriots. I'm really looking for to this game and I have an feeling it's going to be great just like the past games there have made.

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Lulzsec hacker member arrested

A man suspected of being a member of the hacking group Lulzsec has been arrested. The man (Raynaldo Rivera) is accused being a member of the hacking group and of the hacks on Sony Pictures in May and June last year. If the man is guilty then he could spend 15 years in prison which no one would like to do. But just for some people who don't know what Lulzsec are read this part. Lulzsec is a computer hacker group that claimed responsibility for several high profile attacks.

Raynaldo Rivera and others used a SQL injection which is a hacking technique that was used on SONY Pictures website. SQL injection is often used to attack databases through a website. To avoid detection Raynaldo Rivera used proxy servers. But as time passed since the attacks on SONY Pictures, several members of the group have been arrested and appeared in court. One of the members went undercover for the FBI to help find the other hackers. More news on this story will be posted soon.

Lulzsec last message before there disappeared. ''It's time to say bon voyage,”

Tuesday 28 August 2012

UKNova removes torrents from it's site

UKNova, a well known torrent indexing site has removed it's torrent indexing. This was because UKNova has been getting threats of legal action from the Federation Against Copyright Theft. The Federation wanted to remove all material belonging to UKNova members and all torrents as well.

Unlike most torrenting sites UKNova never made money out of advertisements or fees from it's members. It has asked for donations from it's members if there want to. And untill now the site never got an single complaint for nearly a decade from 2003 till 2012.

About UKNova infomation ''UKNova was originally created in 2003 to enable people to share British television programmes. Initially the site focussed on soap operas, but quickly grew to coverage a range of television and radio entertainment.

The main aim of UKNova is to enable people to see programmes they would not otherwise be able to watch, perhaps because they live abroad or have missed something they wanted to watch when it was broadcast live.

None of the shows that are available from UKNova are stored on our servers. The UKNova website does not itself ‘share’ any copyrighted material with anyone else. It simply allows people who wish to share programming to link up with one another, using the BitTorrent protocol.

It is one of the fundamental principles of UKNova that we do not wish to cause any harm to potential revenue streams for broadcasters and programme makers. For this reason, no television or radio programme that is available for purchase worldwide from retailers, on CD, DVD or video, is allowed to be shared on this website. Please do not ask for material to be uploaded here that is available to buy. Such material is not allowed.

UKNova is free to use. It is not possible to buy ratio bonuses, special privileges, or anything else like that. The site survives purely from voluntary donations and all donations go towards the costs of running the server. If you use the site and the service it provides, please try to contribute to the running costs by donating.''

So what else is there to do on the site? Well the chatroom and forums still remain but the site is no longer taking in anymore members.

Monday 27 August 2012

Apple new Tablet 'The iPad Mini'

Apple has just officially named the forthcoming 7.85-inch tablet the "iPad Mini." It might be coming out before we know it as some have been saying it's going to be launch October. It's been also called the big iPod Touch. But bad news, it's going to cost $629.00 at the Apple Store. But it won't have that high-resolution retina display that the iPad has. It's going to have a cheaper screen. So will you buy the new iPad or save your money for something else?

Saturday 25 August 2012

Frist man to walk on the moon has died

The first man to walk on the moon has died. Neil Armstrong who was aged 82 set foot on the Moon on 20 July 1969. He died on August 25, 2012, in a hospital in Columbus, Ohio, from complications following that surgery which was the relieve blocked coronary arteries.

Neil Armstrong was born on August 5, 1930. He was in the Navy before he become an Test Pilot and then a Astronaut. When he took his frist steps on the moon he said "That's one small step for man, and one giant leap for mankind" Neil's family praised him as a "reluctant American hero" who had "served his nation proudly, as a navy fighter pilot, test pilot, and astronaut".
Neil Armstrong August 5, 1930 - August 25, 2012

Grand Theft Auto V Screenshots

One of my favourite video game series is back. And Rockstar have been giving the internet more to talk about with these new screenshots. So sit back and enjoy the images that will blow your mind!



It's the guy from the trailer!

Well I hope you enjoy the images. I be keeping you posted about Grand Theft Auto V very soon.

Friday 24 August 2012

Kodak ends film and photo paper business

Kodak once well know for camera film and photo paper and all ends it's film and photo paper business. Yep it's got that bad, there already stopped making digital cameras to save money and soon Kodak will announce a buyer for the company. But some say it might not happen. It is said that Kodak is worth £315m ($500m) but the company says it's round about $2.6bn. So that could be an over rated fact.

So what does this post really on about? Well... Kodak are going to end making films for still cameras, photo papers, souvenir photo products at theme parks, scanners and picture print-out kiosks at stores. The only things there have left is printers, cinema film stock and chemicals for sell. Also Kodak patents attract have low bids from Apple and Google. Could this be the end of the company? If so Kodak will be a thing of the past. And could be dark days for photography.

Monday 20 August 2012

DayZ Might Come to Consoles

Arma 2 mod DayZ could make its way to the consoles. This will only happen if the PC version sells well. Dean Hall said “You’re not going to put it on the consoles if you’re only going to sell 100,000 units or something like that, DayZ will be driven by its PC development and it will innovative on that. And, once we’re at a point, we’ll take it and do a Mac version, 360 and PS3.”

The news has brought good news for people who have been asking for a console version. But bad news for the hardcore PC community who didn't want it to move to the other consoles in the first place. Even so DayZ sell more copies and have more fans of the game. So what do you think of the news? Good or Bad? Do you love playing the game?

Saturday 18 August 2012

BoneyHead959: 1,000th Subscribers

Last night my YouTube account reach over 1,000 subscribers. I hope this year will be a big change for my channel and hope to imporve my videos and design of my channel before the years out. 2012 has been a hard time for me and my channel. I had lost over 80 subscribers because of the ''improvements to accuracy of subscriber counts'' from the YouTube Update. And YouTube may still have to get rid of more if I'm right.

But before that happens I hope to break my last record which was 1,125 Subscribers. And to upload more then 200 videos as well. Recently I bought a Hauppauge HD PVR (the basic one) to record my gameplay and to make my videos better. I also like to say thank you to all my friends and subscribers for getting me this far.

Thursday 16 August 2012

Facebook shares fall by 6% The end of Facebook?

This wednesday shares where $20.74 but are now $19.87. (A fall of 6.27%) Just about 271 million shares become eligible to be sold on Thursday, which is more than half the 421 million that have been trading since Facebook shares were floated in May at $38 each. Facebook has lost some of its lustre since its May flotation and after reporting a $157m loss in the second quarter, although most of the loss was due to pay-outs to the company's early investors, including chief executive Mark Zuckerberg.

Other company's like Linkedin shares have dropped about 7%. There are many concerns over Facebook's revenue, and whether it can make money from people using the site. Facebook is now making less money from each user as it becomes more difficult to generate advertising revenue it needs. Shares will become eligible for trade around about this thursday.

List of the next lock-up periods expire on the following dates.

• 15 October: 249 million shares
• 14 November: 1.32 billion shares
• 14 December: 49 million shares
• 13 May 2013: 47 million shares

Sunday 12 August 2012

Google Battles Pirates: Burying Search Results

The well known search engines Google well soon introduce changes to its search engine that will discourage piracy by placing legitimate copyrighted content higher on there online pages. The company next week will begin using algorithms that push potentially pirated material to a lower position in search results, Mountain View, California-based Google said today in a blog posted on there own website. Many companies have been trying to force Google for years to take steps to make pirated content harder to find.

Ok so there a song you like but you don't want to buy it or just don't have the money? Put the song name on Google and it will sometimes guess what your trying to search. In this case it's going to come up with ''Free Download''. Once you type that in you get a long list of websites that you can download that song for free. That's what companies want to stop.

A online user called sallyrothwell had this to say ''The worst decision google has ever made. It will make google search the worst search engine in the market. Corporate big companies will rule the high ranks as paid for seo agents will derank competitors.

Those willing to pay the highest to these ceo companies will win, not by better content but by unethical practices for anti competitive behaviour.
Google ranks will look like the typical cable channel, with useless unwanted content filled with commercialization at the forefront and the real authentic content at the bottom.

The worst thing thing could have done was hurt the original design that has made them famous. The have dug their own hole and in five years, google will be another altavista''

Athene and other YouTubers still getting DDoS

Athene is well known for being ''The Best Gamer in the World''. In fact he had killed Diablo 3 last boss Diablo naked (without any armour). So why did he do it? Well he does like breaking records but the whole point of it was to raise money for poor kids in Africa. He would live stream himself by playing Diablo 3 naked (without any armour). The money made off the video would go to charity as well as the donations. Athene also sold his in-game armour in Diablo 3 by using the real-money auction.

Everything was going fine until Athene had been contacted by one of the charities saying that the donations were being ''taken back'' from the charities. At first Athene thought it was a technical difficulty but some were saying ''Kutless'' was stealing the money. Athene thought he was innocent until the charities proved that ''Kutless'' had different credit cards and emails and was taking the money back and so on.

It was time to tell the viewers what was going on by livesteam Athene was doing but he kept getting DDoS'ed. And it's not just him but his friends and people he has worked with keep getting DDoS as well. Not only that but Kutless also been calling Athene saying ''I know where your Mum lives''

Athene has said if he keeps DDoS his channel and his friends then he will take him to court. But right now he just wants to make videos.

Note: If there anything wrong with this post I apologise.

Saturday 11 August 2012 attack by Hackers

Millions of players account details have been stolen in a hack attack. Blizzard had posted a message of the attack on there website. Players have been told to change their login details for the account management service. But it's been said that there is no evidence that credit card numbers and other personal details had been taken which is the number one target for a hacker to steal. Blizzard "We take the security of your personal information very seriously, and we are truly sorry that this has happened''

This is a bad time for the company as Blizzard are soon to release the ''Mists of Pandaria'' which there hope to boost users as there have drop over time. Blizzard have said as well it plans to automatically prompt its players to change their secret questions and answers, in addition to changing their passwords. The company will also warn its mobile authenticator users, who use a phone-based two-factor authentication system to access

Blizzard Entertainment is well know for games such as Diablo 3, Starcraft and World of Warcaft. So what do you think of the hack? Looks like I was able to post today. Will see you soon.

Welcome to the Warzone

Hello and welcome to my first blog ''The Warzone'. Here you find posts about Gaming, Technology news and much more here. Right now this is just going to be an introduction about my blog so there won't be any news posted today. I hope to see you around soon.

WannaCrypt0r Ransomware: Plunging The World Into Chaos

W e all know of the dangers of NSA's leaked exploits could do if it was to ever fall into the wrong hands. But no one could have predict...